Monday, August 23, 2010

The Art of Wardrobe

You are engaged in war, every day, with forces that want to take possession of your money and your self-esteem. They employ smart and sophisticated tactics that erode your best defenses common sense and confidence. They convince you to place your gold in their hands.

Victory is your smart, confident presentation of your signature self to your world on your terms.

As we present The Art of Wardrobe, you will change nearly every facet of your wardrobe: Clothing, accessories, fragrance, cosmetics, skin care, your environments and your mind.

We’re not saying that every wardrobe decision you’ve made is wrong, or that every marketing message is a lie. Certainly your own good common sense, and that of a few others, has done you much good. And there are a few truths out there in the realms of fashion and beauty conventional wisdom. On the whole, however, what you read, see and hear about all you buy, smell, feel and taste is absolute rubbish. And that’s being polite.

We want you to employ critical thinking, own your decisions and take back your purchase power. We want you to apply your limited resources to the best possible presentation of your signature self within your world.

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